Advanced Camp is on of the most important training events for an Army ROTC cadet. All cadets go to Advanced Camp in the summer between their MS III (Junior) and MS IV (Senior) years. The 29-day camp incorporates a wide range of subjects designed to develop leadership skills and evaluate officer potential. The challenges are rigorous and demanding, both mentally and physically. They test intelligence, common sense, ingenuity and stamina. These challenges provide a new perspective on a cadet’s ability to perform exacting tasks and to make difficult decisions under demanding conditions.
The camp places each cadet in a variety of leadership positions. In each position, cadets are evaluated by platoon tactical officers and non-commissioned officers. In addition to demonstrating their leadership ability, cadets must meet established standards in physical fitness, weapons training, communication, and additional military skills.

All qualifying cadets will attend either Basic Camp or Basic Combat Training before placement into ROTC Advanced Courses. For those who join ROTC during their Junior year in college, Basic Camp is their ROTC Program entry point. The Army observes these students and determines their officer potential in a leadership oriented, challenging, and motivating 4-week training program at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
Students will have an opportunity to experience cadet and Army life first-hand. They will live, eat and work together in platoons consisting of approximately 40 cadets each. They will learn topics including Military Formations and Drill, Physical Training, Map Reading and Land Navigation, M-16 Rifle Marksmanship and other Weapons Familiarization. They will experience the esprit de corps of cross-platoon rivalry and competition, which will earn their platoon honors. Cadets will have a chance to bond from amongst a diverse group of people from hundreds of schools all over the nation. It’s an experience unlike any other!
BASIC CAMP HANDBOOK https://www.cadetcommand.army.mil/res/files/forms_policies/handbooks/BC%20Handbook.pdf

OU Army ROTC provides a plethora of additional opportunities that ensure our soldiers are the most trained and equipped to take on their military careers! Take a look at some of the schools and programs that our cadets can pursue.

Get Your Wings!
The US Army Airborne School, located at Ft. Benning, Georgia, is available through Army ROTC to cadets that are enrolled and contracted in our program. The course is three weeks long, consisting of a ground week, tower week, and jump week. Each week covers different topics, or points of performance, designed to teach you how to jump out of airplanes. It is an exciting non-stop course that will push you to the limit. After making five parachute jumps, you will be awarded the U.S. Army Parachutist Badge. AIRBORNE!!!
Contracted MS I’s and MS-II’s have priority to attend the Basic Airborne Course (BAC), followed by MS III’s who have attended Advanced Camp. Cadets selected to attend BAC are chosen through an Order of Merit List (OML). The OML is created with GPA, APFT Score, Volunteer Hours, and various competitive evaluations. Class Instructors will recommend cadets to The Professor of Military Science based on OML standings.

US Army Air Assault School (AAS) is a 2-week course of instruction conducted at several locations across the Army. The course is focused on Combat Assault Operations involving US Army rotary-wing aircraft.
Contracted MS I’s and MS-II’s have priority to attend Air Assault School, followed by MS III’s who have attended Advanced Camp. Cadets selected to attend AAS are chosen through an Order of Merit List. The OML is created with GPA, APFT Score, Volunteer Hours, and various competitive evaluations. Class Instructors will recommend cadets to The Professor of Military Science based on OML standings.

The Ranger Challenge Competition tests each team’s physical and team work abilities. The teams consist of 6 cadets and 1 alternate. The competition events include a medical assault course, grenade assault course, one rope bridge, assembly/dis-assembly of an M16 rifle, obstacle course, improvised raft course, and a 10k ruck march.
Training for this competition begins early in the fall and selection for the team is on a highly competitive basis. Selection for the Ranger Challenge Team is mentally and physically challenging, with the team selection process lasting two weeks. After the team has been selected, a large focus is placed on learning all the necessary skills to effectively compete in the Ranger Challenge Competition. The University of Oklahoma competes against every ROTC battalion that fields a team in the 5th Brigade Western Region. Our competition includes, but is not limited to Oklahoma State University, Cameron University, University of Central Oklahoma, University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, University of Central Arkansas, and Arkansas State University. Do you think you have what it takes to meet the Ranger Challenge? OU Army ROTC’s Ranger Challenge Team took 1st place in the 2017-2018 year.

Cadet Troop Leader Training
Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) provides select Advanced Camp graduates the opportunity to increase their leadership experience by assignments to platoon leader or like positions with Active Army units or with government agencies for three weeks (CONUS) to four weeks (OCONUS).
This internship program places you in actual Army units acting as a real Lieutenant. This two or three week challenge is a definite learning experience, allowing you to gain a perspective on what you will be facing as future officer. Generally, you are placed in a platoon leader position, leading 30+ Soldiers and responsible for millions of dollars of equipment. You receive a rate of pay and allowance similar to that at LDAC, you stay at the Bachelor Officer Quarters on that specific base, you train and lead soldiers, and receive an OER upon completion of the program. If you are assigned to a unit on jump status, and you are already airborne qualified, you may participate in unit jumps on a permissive basis if approved in advance. CTLT is the best way to familiarize yourself with a branch before having to choose your branch preferences during the accessions process at the beginning of the MS IV year.

The Color Guard Team renders honors when the national anthem is played or sung, when passing in review during a parade, or in certain other circumstances. This is one of our busiest teams throughout the school year; participating in OU sporting events (home), community events and parades.
Cadets on this team display military bearing, composure and patience; sometimes in front of 84,000 sooner fans! The team invites all incoming freshman and cadets to participate.

The Bataan Memorial Death March is an annual commemoration of the Bataan Death March attended by many of the survivors of the march, along with thousands of supporters from around the world, held at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Held annually since 1989, this is a full marathon, or a 15 mi (24 km) route for those who do not wish to complete the full course. Covering paved road and sandy trails, it is regarded by Marathon Guide as one of the top 30 marathons in the U.S.

The Army Ten-Miler is an annual race that OU Army ROTC fields a team and competes in every fall. Training will begin in August for the October race in Washington D.C. This experience is one that should not to be missed!

A two-week course that teaches cadets the skills needed to operate in a mountainous environment during the summer and fall. Mountain Warfare introduces you to the techniques and tactics required to operate in a mountainous environment under hostile conditions. The emphasis is on field exercises where you learn mountain-related skills. The instruction includes advanced navigational training, special mobility training (with special operations forces mountaineering equipment), and mountain tactical instruction.

The most highly selective program available to cadets, the Combat Diver Qualification Course (CDQC) has less than fifteen cadet slots each year. This means that they only select the best of the best cadets. The training is physically and mentally exhausting, so preparation above and beyond the basic requirements of the school is mandatory. To get accepted into CDQC, one must complete a Pre-CDQC course. Pre-CDQC training includes an APFT and pool events, including a 25 meter sub-surface swim, a 50 meter sub-surface swim, clump retrieval, two minute water tread, weight belt swim, underwater knot tying, ditching and dawning of equipment, treading water for five minutes with a weight belt and twin 80 air cylinders, and drown proofing.