At University of Oklahoma Army ROTC, our core values embody the essential pillars that will thrust you into your Army career. Being apart of something bigger than yourself is something that not many college students get to do, and being apart of the program at OU brings a special spirit and environment! At OU students receive so much more than an ordinary education. We pride ourselves on creating a unique, exciting environment that embraces all types of learners and promotes growth both academically and personally. Students and families are also welcomed into a dynamic and supportive community.
Interested in learning more about University of Oklahoma Army ROTC? We would love to see you at O-Week! O-Week takes place a week before the traditional move in at OU, which allows you to take part in a useful orientation of our program and move in early with the help of our willing Cadets. We invite you to keep exploring our website, and get in touch with questions about our values, academics, community and more. Join us today!
ROTC Requirements
• Must be a U.S. citizen.
• Cannot be 31 years old, on or before Dec 31 of the year you graduate, to commission or to apply for ROTC scholarships. Age waivers can be submitted to commission without a scholarship, but waivers get harder to obtain the older the age.
• Medically qualified by the Department of Defense.
• Meet the Army height/weight standards.
• Pass the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT).
• Pass a swim test and a Combat Water Survival Test (CWST).
• Obtain a security clearance with a Secret status.
• Complete the ROTC Basic Course (MS1113, MS1213, MS2323, and MS2423)
Or have completed Basic Training in any branch of the military
Or complete the Basic Camp at Ft. Knox, KY
·• Complete the ROTC Advanced Course (MS3123, MS3223, MS4123, and MS4223)
• Complete Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky
• Complete a Military History course requirement (See List below Updated 1/20)
• Earn a degree from a four-year institution with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Recommended ROTC history course:
Upper Division:
Course Number: 4453 (3 Credits, Prerequisite HIST 1483 or HIST 1493, junior standing, or permission of instructor – Offered every Fall Semester with Professor Kane) Title: American Military History 1860-Present BLUF: Explores United States military history from the Civil War through the modern age. With a special emphasis on politics, culture, and rapidly changing technology, this class focuses on the evolution of the American way of war as well as the transformative nature of war on the nation.
Freshmen/Sophomore Gen-Ed Requirement:
Course Number: 1483 (3 Credits – Offered 2x per semester, each semester) Title: American History to 1865 BLUF: A general survey of United States history from its colonial origins to the end of the Civil War, with emphasis upon national political, diplomatic, economic, constitutional, social and intellectual developments.
Note: 1493 United States 1865 to present meets Gen-Ed requirements, however the above combination best meets USACCs history requirement.
Other approved history courses (http://history.ou.edu/war-revolution-and-diplomacy)
- 3093 The United States: Revolution and New Nation to 1815
- 3153 The Great War, 1914-1918
- 3423 War, Prosperity and Depression
- Cold War, 1945-1980 • 3503 World War II
- 3553 The Civil War
- 4343 The Vietnam War
- 4973 Undergraduate Seminar in History (History Majors Only)
- 4973 American Revolution
- 4973 Cold War 1945-55
- 4973 Vietnam War in Modern America
Since Army ROTC is a university elective course, enrollment into Army ROTC can be done online or through your OU academic advisor after being accepted into The University of Oklahoma.
Click here to apply to The University of Oklahoma
Experiencing difficulties enrolling into OU Army ROTC courses? Please contact (405) 325-3012. Out of state students participating in ROTC will receive in-state residency status.
Military Science Courses:
MS 1113 Introduction to Leadership I
MS 2323 Foundations of Leadership I
MS 3123 Adaptive Team Leadership
MS 4213 Seminar – Leadership & Management
MS 1213 Adaptive Leadership
MS 2423 Foundations of Leadership II
MS 3223 Applied Team Leadership
MS 4223 Mission Command
ALL Army ROTC students must complete one Military History course as a requirement to commission. Below are accepted Military History courses offered at The University of Oklahoma.
3093 The United States: Revolution and New Nation to 1815
3153 The Great War, 1914-1918
3423 War, Prosperity and Depression
3430 Special Topics in History
3430 Warfare in Eastern America
3430 U.S. Frontier/Army
3430 U.S. Military to 1902
3430 American Indian Warfare
3500 Special Topics in History (depending on topic)
3500 History of Global Terrorism
3503 World War II
3553 The Civil War
4343 The Vietnam War
4453 American Military History 1860-Present
4973 Undergraduate Seminar in History (capstone; depending on topic)
4973 American Revolution
4973 Cold War 1945-55
4973 Vietnam War in Modern America
Facts about enrolling into OU Army ROTC
Enrolling in ROTC does not mean you are joining the military.
You may not have to attend Basic Training if you take OUr military science courses.
You do not have to be advanced in fitness to join.
OU Army ROTC offers a physical fitness class to OU students who would like to work out with us without an ROTC commitment.
You will have plenty of time to participate in extra curricular activities; we encourage them!
You do not need to purchase any uniforms or equipment; we will provide them.
Not everyone in ROTC is pursuing a military career.
You are able to study abroad while enrolled in Army ROTC.
Not all commissioning cadets have to serve Active Duty. You can also serve as a Reserve or National Guard officer.