Education is not a choice,
it is a requirment.
OU Army ROTC provides a variety of ways for you to accomplish your educational goals while training to become a Soldier. Check out some of the scholarships that you can utilize bellow!
The High School Scholarship application process is for high school students planning on attending a four-year college program. Contact your high school academic adviser or campus Military Science department for more information or begin your application process below.
The deadline to initiate NEW high school scholarship applications is January 10 of your senior year in high school. Click on here to apply today!
Be a U.S. citizen
Be between the ages of 17 and 26
Have a high school GPA of at least 2.50
Pursue a high school diploma
Score a minimum of 1000 on the SAT (math/verbal) or 19 on the ACT
Agree to accept a commission to serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (Army Reserve or Army National Guard)
Scholarship winners must meet the University of Oklahoma admission requirements in order to attend OU Army ROTC.
Your Commitment
An eight-year service commitment with the Army.
Cadets may choose to serve full time in the Active Duty Army or part time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard.
Apply Online For An Army ROTC Scholarship
If you are applying for a scholarship, you first will need to create a MY GOARMY account. Once you create an account, you will be sent to the MY GOARMY Log In page. Once you can successfully login to MY GOARMY, you can use your newly created account information to login to the scholarship application site.
Create a MY GOARMY account here.
Click here to check the status of your scholarship application.
If you did not apply or receive a high school scholarship, you can still earn a scholarship by showing up on campus, enrolling in OU Army ROTC, and demonstrating your potential as a quality cadet and future Army Officer, worthy of a Campus Based Scholarship.
Campus Based Scholarship students can earn a 2 or 3 year scholarship. These scholarships are available to eligible students at the University of Oklahoma and are merit based; awarded to students that are enrolled in the Army ROTC Program and apply for a scholarship. These cadets prove themselves through their moral character, college GPA, leadership potential, and PT test scores. Campus Based Scholarships provide payment for either full tuition and fees OR $10,000 for Room and Board (Recipient selects). Awardees will also receive a $1,200/yr book allowance and a monthly ROTC Stipend of $300-$500.
Scholarship Application Requirements:
• Must be a U.S. citizen
• Full time student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree
• Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
• Must pass an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)
• Pass a DoD Medical exam
• ACT/SAT – must meet university requirement
• 30 years of age on 31 December of the year you graduate from college
• Good moral character
Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) Scholarship
Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) Scholarships are 2-4 year Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) scholarships for individuals who desire to commission into the Reserve Forces (Army Reserve or Army National Guard) upon completing the Army ROTC program and their degree requirements. Applicants must already be members of the Army Reserve or Army National Guard or be willing to join as a Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) Cadet. Individuals selected for a GRFD
Scholarship must serve their eight-year military service obligation in the Army National Guard or Army Reserves in an active drilling capacity (one weekend a month and a two-week annual training period each year).
This program consists of 3 types of GRFD Scholarships: Dedicated Army National Guard (DEDNG) or Dedicated US Army Reserves Scholarship (DEDUSAR), Guaranteed Reserve Forces Scholarship (Army National Guard or US Army Reserves) and the Minuteman Scholarship (Army National Guard or US Army Reserves)
Minimum Scholarships Requirements:
• United States Citizenship
• Full time OU student
• Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
• ACT/SAT – Minimum score of 19 ACT or 1000 SAT
• Must be able to pass an Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). 4 Year applicants can conduct test during fall semester
• Pass a DoD Medical Determination (MEPS within 1 Year or DODMERB)
• 30 years of age on 31 December of the year you graduate from college
• Good moral character with no civil convictions
These scholarships provide the following benefits:
• Full tuition and fees payment or $12,000 for room and board
• $1,200/yr book allowance
• Monthly stipend: $420.00
For details on how to maximize scholarship benefits, contact the Scholarship and Enrollment Officer or call (405) 325-0306.
Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
Are you a member of the National Guard or the Army Reserve and want to serve as a commissioned officer? If so, the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) is designed for actively drilling reservists or guardsman.
Many college students and professionals are soldiers in the Army Reserve or National Guard. In uniform, they contribute to our national security. In their civilian careers, they contribute the skills they have learned and strengthened to reinforce their success.
Participants earn pay for monthly drill (E-5), and cannot be federally mobilized until completion of their ROTC training and college degree.
Those who successfully complete the Army ROTC program can request to become Officers in the Army Reserve or National Guard. This allows them to pursue a career in the private sector of the economy – while simultaneously serving as an officer in the defense of our nation.
SMP Scholarship Opportunities
Eligible students, who wish to serve their military obligation in the National Guard or Army Reserve, may compete for a 2-year, 3-year or 4-years scholarship opportunity. These scholarships can help pay for either full tuition and fees or $12,000 for room and board, and include an annual book stipend of $1,200, a promotion to E-5, and a monthly ROTC stipend of $420.00.
SMP Non-Scholarship Opportunities
Eligible students, who do not wish to obligate their military career to a Reserve component, may compete to serve Active Duty upon commissioning. This opportunity will include a promotion to E-5 and a monthly ROTC stipend of $420.00. You may also be eligible for any benefits earned; Montgomery GI Bill, GI Bill Kicker, or Post 9-11 GI Bill Benefits. Find out complete details by contacting your local recruiter or by contacting OU Army ROTC’s Scholarship and Enrollment Officer.
The Green to Gold program seeks talented young enlisted Soldiers who have decided to leave, or are considering leaving, active duty to attend college.
Quality enlisted Soldiers with officer potential who have served at least two years on active duty are allowed to voluntarily request discharge from active duty, and enroll in Army ROTC to earn baccalaureate degrees and commissions as Second Lieutenants.
Scholarships are awarded for two, three, or four years.
Soldiers with two years of college remaining to complete their degree are considered for two-year scholarships.
Soldiers with three years of college remaining to complete their degree are considered for three-year scholarships.
Soldiers without college credit who require four years to complete their degree are considered for four-year scholarships.
Benefits - Green to Gold Scholarship Option winners receive:
Tuition or room and board support
Additional money for textbooks, supplies, and equipment.
A monthly stipend for up to 10 months each school year that increases each year based on your Military Science Class. ($300-$500 monthly tax-free)
Pay for attending Advanced Camp between the junior and senior years of college.
If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits.
Additionally, many colleges and universities offer incentives to scholarship winners. The Professor of Military Science (PMS) at your college of choice can provide further information on what is available at the school.
In addition to the financial incentives, Soldiers receive additional benefits as ROTC Cadets. These benefits include:
Leadership training
Responsibility and Practical Experience
Mentorship of the PMS/APMS
U.S. Citizen (non-waiver-able)
Age – Be under 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all requirements for a commission and a college baccalaureate degree. This is a statutory requirement and waivers can be submitted to be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Crime
Have a minimum of 2 years Active Duty as well as 3 months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (waiver can be requested)
GT score of 110 or greater
Pass the ACFT within the last 6 months with score of 180 or higher, minimum of 60 points in each event
Be a High School Graduate or equivalent
Cumulative High School or College GPA of 2.5
Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC
Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion
Favorable National Agency Check (or have initiated the action)
DODMERB Medical Qualification
Be eligible to Reenlist
Not be a conscientious objector
No more than 3 dependents including spouse (waiver-able)
Apply Online for the Green to Gold Program:
To pursue one of the Green to Gold programs, click here to start your application.
The University of Oklahoma Language Flagship Partner Program is a merit-based undergraduate program designed for learners of critical languages who seek to achieve superior language proficiency while pursuing degrees in the academic majors of their choice. The program offers an innovative five-year curriculum in language and culture designed to produce graduates with dual strengths in language proficiency and their chosen career fields.
What Is the Flagship and Army ROTC Partnership?
Army Cadet Command, in partnership with the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), offers scholarships to Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) students who enroll at one of the eligible Language Flagship centers focusing on Arabic, Chinese, Hindi-Urdu, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, and Turkish with the goal of Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Level 3 proficiency upon completion of the program.
The Army will provide dedicated scholarships to ROTC students participating in The Language Flagship programs. These scholarships will provide support during the school year. DLNSEO will provide funding for the Flagship Overseas Capstone year, as well as cover attendance to Flagship approved summer intensive language programs to qualified ROTC students.
Army ROTC students who wish to participate in The Language Flagship must apply through their university’s established process. Please go to the OU Flagship home page to for more information. The Army Foreign Language Flagship Scholarship applications will be centrally processed by Army Cadet Command and interviewed and boarded by Professors of Military Science under the current guidelines.
Cadets studying any of 70 languages designated by the Department of the Army as “critical” can receive up to $2,500 each year for receiving passing grades. Current languages eligible for the bonus pay include Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and over 60 more. This program is eligible to Basic Course and Advanced Course cadets. To apply, students must submit a proposal to the Professor of Military Science at the beginning of the semester. Bonuses are paid at the end of the semester in which a successful grade was achieved.
Our Scholarships and Awards
The University of Oklahoma Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) alumni generously provide a variety of scholarships and awards to qualified cadets. Scholarships are typically merit-based and competitive. Nominations are made by the ROTC cadre each year. The Association currently provides 82 different scholarships and awards with a total value over $122,650.
Click here to learn more about our Alumni. Alumni scholarships and awards include:
Fifty-one scholarships valued at four different tiers: 5 Cadets earn Tier 1 at $5,000; 15 Cadets earn Tier 2 at $2,500; 20 Cadets earn Tier 3 at $1,000; and 11 Cadets earn tier 4 at $500. All scholarships are endowed by the Mulva Family Foundation. The purpose of these scholarships is to provide encouragement, support, and opportunity for deserving cadets to serve the United States of America through military service.
An endowed award established and funded collectively by OU Army ROTC alumni and awarded to an exceptional cadet ($1,000) selected by the Professors of military Science; and in increments of $700 to eight cadets: two freshmen (awarded in the Spring), two sophomores, two juniors, and two seniors (all awarded in the Fall). The award is based on performance and potential in the Army ROTC Program.
An award established by Major General (Retired) John Long. MG Long is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma where he received his commission into the Quartermaster Corps. This award is presented to the college junior who has shown the most overall improvement and progress as a cadet in the OU Army ROTC program.
An award established by Dr. Raquel Ramsey to honor her husband, Edwin Ramsey. Following the Japanese invasion of the Philippines in World War II, then-Lieutenant Ramsey helped slow the Japanese advance on the Bataan peninsula, allowing fellow Americans to escape. Ramsey also led what would become the last horse cavalry charge in US military history. Avoiding the Bataan Death March, Ramsey helped establish and lead a guerrilla force that resisted the Japanese occupation and provided critical intelligence to the Philippine Liberation led by General Douglas MacArthur. For his actions in saving tens of thousands of American and Filipino lives, Ramsey was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The LTC Ed Ramsey Scholarship is presented to the outstanding cadet who most exemplifies the attributes of LTC Ramsey.
An endowed award established by Tim and Michele Wright in honor of their son, First Lieutenant David T. Wright II. 1LT David Wright graduated in 2006 from the University of Oklahoma. 1LT Wright commissioned as an infantry officer and was assigned as a platoon leader with the 2nd Infantry Division stationed at Fort Lewis, WA. On September 14, 2009, enemy forces attacked 1LT Wright’s vehicle with improvised explosives as he lead his platoon on a patrol in Helmand Providence, Afghanistan, which resulted in his death. This award honors 1LT Wright’s sacrifice and heroism. The recipient is chosen based upon their strong morals, values, and character. This coveted award is reserved for a leader who will lead America’s sons and daughters with the same selfless service and internal fortitude as 1LT Wright.
THE FORD BROTHERS BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIP ($4,000 - 2 Cadets each receive $2,000)
Bill and Bob Ford are both distinguished Oklahoma businessmen and graduates of OU Army ROTC who have established this endowed scholarship, which is given annually to two exemplary cadets whose academic major is in a business-related field. Each cadet receives $1,500.
The McConnell Army ROTC Award is an award endowed through the University of Oklahoma Foundation that is awarded to an outstanding Army ROTC cadet each year. The recipient must be an active and enrolled cadet in good standing who is chosen by the Army ROTC Professor of Military Science (PMS) and staff based upon criteria set forth jointly by the McConnell family and the PMS. Typically, the McConnell Army ROTC Award will be presented to a cadet demonstrating outstanding qualities and a high standard of excellence. The award is presented in the amount of no less than $1,500 and is conveyed along with an engraved ceremonial U.S. Army officer’s saber valued at $480. The award is presented in honor of COL and Mrs. Donald W. McConnell and the McConnell family and is provided by LTC (Ret.) and Mrs. Brian W. McConnell. A plaque with the names of all recipients resides in the Armory at the University of Oklahoma.
An annual endowed award provided by the Magnin family to a worthy cadet in the Army ROTC program. The selected cadet will have demonstrated the willingness to step forward, even if not asked, to accept responsibility for required tasks and missions, and to timely and efficiently accomplish those tasks and missions. The cadet must also be committed to serving in the U.S. Army.
The Captain Paul Kim Memorial Scholarship was established with contributions from friends and family of Captain Kim to honor his memory and legacy. Paul was a US Army Officer who was commissioned from the University of Oklahoma Army ROTC in 2011. He served as an Infantry Officer and attained the rank of Captain. Paul worked hard to join the Infantry and served proudly. After Paul left the US Army, he volunteered to serve in Ukraine in June 2022. On 05 October 2022, Paul was killed in combat while defending the sovereignty of Ukraine and its people. While studying as a Cadet and earning his commission as an officer, Paul provided constant inspiration and motivation to his peers. Paul’s buoyant spirit encouraged his peers to strive for excellence and continue through challenging and dangerous training events. Paul’s vigilant concern for others has inspired his classmates to create a scholarship in his name. This scholarship will embody Paul’s spirit by providing financial aid and a memorabilia gift to an OU Army ROTC Cadet who is selected by a peer vote of OU Army ROTC Cadets each Fall before the Alumni Banquet.
Two $750 scholarships are given by Jim and Susan Wolf. Jim is an OU graduate and served as an officer in the United States Army and went on to have a successful business career as an Accountant and financial advisor. The annual scholarship is presented to an outstanding Cadet of any military Science class that demonstrates exceptional academic and military skills as well as involvement in the program and its extracurricular activities.
An award established by Elliot and Chris Wiltse in honor of their father Colonel Woodrow Wiltse, who commanded OU Army ROTC from 1965-1969. Both Elliot and Chris received commissions from OU Army ROTC in 1969 and 1972, respectively. The Wiltse award is presented annually to an outstanding cadet who demonstrates exceptional academic and military skills and has a desire to pursue a military career.
The OU Army ROTC Ranger Detachment was started in the early 1980’s. Shortly thereafter, the OU program was designated the Treadwell Detachment in honor of Colonel Jack Treadwell, Medal of Honor recipient. Colonel Treadwell served with the 180th infantry regiment of the 45th Infantry Division throughout World II. As a first lieutenant, he single-handedly captured or destroyed 6 enemy pillboxes while under murderous fire from German machine guns. This scholarship is awarded annually to a Cadet who shows mental toughness and his or her commitment to the ROTC Ranger Program.
A $1,000 scholarship presented to an engineering student who shows the ability to become a leader in the oil and gas industry through their academic excellence, project work, and leadership ability.
An award suggested by Major General (Retired) Geoffrey Lambert, to be funded by the alumni of Pershing Rifles at OU. Named in honor of First Lieutenant Bob Kalsu, the award criteria are based on outstanding character and leadership–doing things the right way, as reflected by the life and service of 1LT Kalsu. Selection is not limited by any factor and is based on a demonstration of “going above and beyond.”
An endowed award established by Doctors William and Penny Hamilton. This is an annual award for a full-time, regularly-enrolled University of Oklahoma Army ROTC senior cadet who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in the Army ROTC program, at the University of Oklahoma, or in other community-social organizations. The recipient must be slated for commissioning as a Regular Army infantry officer to secure the award. The award includes an engraved trophy, and the recipient’s name is engraved on a plaque for perpetual display at the Army ROTC department.
An endowed award in honor of Colonel George Norris. This award is to be presented to an advanced Army ROTC cadet selected at the discretion of the Army ROTC selection committee and approved by the Professor of Military Science.
An award presented in the name of Nathan W. Anderson to a ROTC cadet in the senior class who is selected at the discretion of the Army ROTC selection committee and approved by the PMS. The committee may establish its own criteria based on good citizenship, community involvement, and leadership.